Established About Page

Please check out the About page that gives contact and services information. I manage Renormalization Group LLC. Renormalization Group LLC performs systems engineering consulting services: proposal evaluation and consultation, systems and performance analysis, and technical marketing. Renormalization Group LLC would like to provide these services for your company, laboratory or center.

We have experience with commercial, military and medical systems and hope to expand our service scope with your help. Please check our Areas of Expertise, Profile, Qualifications and Employment History to see what we can do for you.


We are still coming to grips with how to layout the website, what to include and how often to update the site. I foresee a layout that I’ll head towards but it will take a while getting there.

What I hope to post on a regular but paced schedule are capsule summaries of journal articles of interest to the engineering community (I will include references when the articles are not freely available on-line as links). I may also post brief summaries of articles from some of my hobbies such as keeping up with Quantum Gravity. I am just an outside observer in QG.

In both cases, I’ll try to stick to articles that are accessible (those are the only kind I understand) and relevant. I’ll probably use categories: Background Reading and Interesting Concepts for engineering articles and Things to Contemplate for those and other articles.

I may also include useful reference text recommendations from time to time under the Background Reading category. Starting up a small business is intriguing, somewhat expensive and holds a lot of promise for the future. I’ll keep you apprised of my progress with ‘Perspectives’ posts.

Renormalization Group LLC at your service

I perform systems engineering consulting services: proposal evaluation and development, systems & performance analysis, and technical marketing. I’d like to perform these services for your company, laboratory or center. I have experience with commercial, military and medical systems. I hope to expand my service scope with your help.

Systems Engineering may mean different things to you than it does to me. A systems engineer acts as a customer’s technical representative for a company’s engineering design organizations (i.e., hardware, software, reliability, human interface, integration, test, etc.). The systems engineer flows elaborated and digested customer requirements down to those organizations and feeds back design concerns (in a perfect world). The system engineer may be viewed as a manager responsible for the technical aspects of a job before the design phase with continuing consultative involvement through testing (in a perfect world). Systems engineers are heavily involved in the upfront business capture and proposal phases, too.

Wikipedia says that systems engineering is an interdisciplinary field of engineering that focuses on how complex engineering projects should be designed and managed over the life cycle of the project. The Defense Acquisition University defines systems engineering in their Defense Acquisition Guidebook. INCOSE says it best: “Systems Engineering is an interdisciplinary approach and means to enable the realization of successful systems. It focuses on defining customer needs and required functionality early in the development cycle, documenting requirements, then proceeding with design synthesis and system validation while considering the complete problem.”

The Renormalization Group LLC logo graphically represents our mission. The green vegetable to the right is a Romanesco Broccoli. Fractal in shape, it is renormalizable (i.e., scalable and exhibiting universality). The black background pattern is called an Ulam Spiral where the white diagonals identify prime numbers. The pattern represents the intuitive grasp of partially known regularities.